La première chose qu'il remarqua fut sa bouche
invitante, rose et charnue, dans le brouillard de sa barbe de quelques jours.
Elle s'ouvra, et James força un sourire par habitude, continuant sa quête à une
paire de yeux ensorcelants.
Plusieurs proclament que l'âme peut être vu au travers
les yeux des gens, eh bien l'âme de l'étranger était une tempête sur l'océan,
avec des teintes de bleu et de gris et de jaune et de vert. Zeus avait tiré un
éclair à Poséidon qui était atterri dans les Champs Élysées, d’où l'étranger
était né. James cligna des yeux avec étonnement lorsqu'une main chaude pressa son
bras au-travers son manteau.
"Pardon?" Il demanda stupidement, et à sa
surprise, les joues de l'étranger rougirent.
"Tu me dévisageais." Sa voix était profonde,
assorti au reste de sa magnifique personne.
"Qui ne le ferait pas, tu es magnifique," Il
répliqua sans hésitation. "À quelle famille appartiens-tu?"
n'était habituellement pas aussi direct, mais il devait savoir. Son cœur était
tombé directement dans l'étau de l'amour à la vue de cet étranger.
L'homme émit un bruit de moquerie, mais son froncement
de sourcils s'effaça lorsqu'il remarqua que James était sérieux.
"Jamais personne ne m'a dit que j'étais
magnifique auparavant, et toi non plus si tu savais que je suis un Hades."
James sourit et fit un pas en avant. Il était plus
petit que l'étranger et dut lever la tête pour que leur regard garde contact.
"Et savoir cela n'empêche pas ma tête de tourner
depuis que mon regard est tombé sur toi."
Il leva sa main au-dessus de celle de l'autre.
"Puis-je?" Il pouvait déjà sentir l'attraction émaner de l'étranger,
quelque chose qu'il n'avait jamais vécu auparavant.
L'étranger hésita, puis prit sa main dans la sienne,
presque trop chaude en cette journée fraiche.
Immédiatement, ils sentirent une
chaleur se répandre en eux. Ils se regardèrent avec émerveillement.
"Tu es un Aphrodite," dit-il à James, qui
hocha la tête.
"Il semble que nous étions condamnés à croiser le
chemin de l'autre."
J'utilise Hadès et Aphrodite comme étant des familles prédisposant certains trains de personnalité, pour ceux qui pourraient être confus.
I discovered myself a new hobby since last august, we're so close together now. It's called anxiety, and I'm not as addicted to it as it's addicted to me. When I go to sleep and thoughts begin to swirl around in my head without me being able to stop them, I write. I often write about my feelings on my current situation, but I also sometimes simply write a short story with a plotline I had in the head for a while. The one I'm showing to you is super cheesy, but I always liked to take myths and put them in modern settings.
The first thing he noticed was his soft-looking mouth, pink and full, in the mist of his dark stubble. It opened to say something, and James forced a smile out of habit, pursuing his quest up to a mesmerizing set of eyes.
Some said you could see the soul through someone’s eyes, well the stranger’s soul was a tempest on the ocean, with hues of blue and grey and yellow and green. Zeus had thrown a lightning at Poseidon who landed on the Elysian Fields, and from the event the stranger was born. James blinked in astonishment when a warm hand gently landed on his clothed arm.
"Sorry what?" He stupidly asked, and to his surprise, he saw the stranger’s face redden.
"You were staring at me." His voice was deep, matching the rest of his beautiful self.
"Who wouldn't, you’re gorgeous," he replied without hesitation. "Which family do you belong to?"
He usually wouldn’t be this direct, but he had to know. His heart had fallen right in love’s grasp at the sight of him.
The man scoffed, but his scowl melted after a few seconds when he realized James was serious.
"No one called me gorgeous before, and you wouldn’t either if you knew I’m a Hades."
James smiled and took a step forward. He was shorter than the stranger, and so he had to look up to keep visual contact.
"Yet knowing this doesn't stop my head from spinning since my gaze fell on you."
James raised his hand above the other’s. “May I?” He could already feel the pull of attraction lure him closer, something he never felt before.
The beautiful stranger hesitated, but finally accepted his hand, firmly clasping it in his, almost too hot for such a chilly day. Instantly, they both felt warmth grow inside of them. They stared at each other in wonder.
"You’re an Aphrodite," he said to James, who nodded.
"It seems like we were doomed to cross each other’s path."
I used here Hades and Aphrodite as families who has a certain type of personality, for those who were confused.
Also I found this. :)
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