Vidéo de la semaine
Gackt Camui
C'était l'histoire de mon petit Gackt à moi. Eh oui, comme je viens de m'en rendre compte, je fais beaucoup et souvent des illusions à mon Gackto d'amour, mais je n'ai JAMAIS écrit d'article sur lui. :O Hérésie, que vous dis-je !! J'arrête pas de vous casser les -yeux ?- avec lui, et vous devez sûrement vous demander : Mais qui est cette chose ? Est-ce que ça se mange ? Est-ce que ça fait bien décoller, lorsque fumé ? Est-ce que c'est le gars qui chante à droite (au moment où je fais cet article) dans les vidéos et qui a l'air d'un malade mental avec les yeux qui veulent lui sortir de la tête et avec sa danse tout à fait robotique ? Trop de questions pour trop peu de réponses.
Eh bien, voici, mesdames et messieurs, l'article tant attendu de vos demandes silencieuses !! (Veuillez noter qu'au moment de ce message, il est bien tôt dans la matinée et que l'auteure n'est pas vraiment dans son état 'normal')
Bon, bon, bon. Mmm, c'est bon des bonbons. 0.0 Um, um.. Commençons par le commencement. Il était une fois, dans une forêt magique... Euh, non, c'est pas ça. *Tourne la page de son livre* Bon ! Gackt Camui est né et a vécu une bonne partie de sa vie à Okinawa, le 4 juillet 1973, ce qui fait donc qu'il a 35 ans et que sa date de fête est la même que celle de popa !!
L'un des buts dans la vie de Gackt est de prouver qu'il est LE meilleur, et c'est donc pourquoi il réaprend le piano après qu'un de ses amis lui ait montré comment il jouait bien. Il voulait montrer à son ami qu'il était meilleur que lui, et dans son autobiographie, il avoue qu'il ne se souvient même plus de l'identité de son ami. En plus du piano, Gackt maitrise environ une douzaine d'instruments de musique, ainsi que plusieurs langues, dont le japonais, l'anglais, le mandarin, le français et le coréen. À noter que son accent en français est terrible.
C'est donc pour ça en premier qu'il a commencé à chanter, et j'imagine qu'il a aimé ça puisse qu'avec un de ses amis, You, il créé le groupe Cains:Feel. Il devient ensuite l'un des chanteurs du groupe Malice Mizer - réputé pour leur traditionnalité et leur son gothique. En 1999, il quitte le groupe pour commencé une carrière solo, et then, the fun begins. =D
Depuis 1999 à aujourd'hui, Gackt a produit environ 50 CDs, comprenant singles et albums, et chacun de ses lives qui ont été enregistrés en DVD sont tous plus émouvants et exceptionnels les uns que les autres. C'est donc pour ça que je suis très critiqueuse considérant les lives, parce qu'après avoir vu ceux de Gackt, apogée du grandiose, je n'ai jamais vu un live égaler les siens. Peut-être que c'est à cause que je le trouve génial et que c'est mon chanteur préféré, mais j'adore tout ce qu'il fait. En plus, j'ai le même humour que lui. XD Et le même rire. 0.0 Il a aussi des petits sons hystériques quand il rit. L'air passe mal. XD
Aussi, ses clips sont tous très beaux. Exceptions de quelques-uns, ils contiennent tous un message caché, une intrigue qu'il faut découvrir. Même si c'est dans une autre langue, les gestes et l'intensité de la voix de Gackt font que, malgré les états d'esprit différents, le message passe, et même très bien.
Je ne j'éterniserai pas encore longtemps sur mon Gackt d'amour, vous avez vu comment moi je l'aime beaucoup. Si vous voulez plus d'informations, de photos, de vidéos, de nouvelles sur notre -mon ? XD- Gackt chéri, cliquez ici.
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Japanese on your own? You're insane!
RépondreEffacerThat's one hell of a challenge!
I got headaches just by looking at the kanjis and trying to understand them...
Haha! But, swears and love, do get along. I mean I've heard ladies screaming nasty things, while in the process of making love. XD
I remember this quote fro The Matrix Reloaded: "Merovingian: I love French wine, like I love the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it."
I see that you are obsessed with asian culture. One random thing that has always called my atention, it's that curly haired asians, are very rare and hard to find... :P
Yeah, I think I'm insane, indeed. I beginned to learn the kanjis that the little kids of the primary learn. Somes are kind of funny too. XD For example, a hole is a square... Not too hard to remember. XD
RépondreEffacerThe swears in the Matrix quote are only french's swears, and I use them with my quebecor's swears. It's funny to use, because all the swears from France are derived from whore houses (sorry, i don't know what a 'bordel' is in english). XD
Yes, I love asian culture. I don't think asians have culry hair though, because their hair are too thick.
Not to hard to remember? I'm already lost :P
RépondreEffacerAnd bordel, in english, I think is brothel. In spanish it's prostíbulo. It all involves whores anyways. XD
I'm so sleepy, I'll give you a longer and better response tomorrow.
I like you little French lady, I think it's because you're crazy. Like me. :P
This is probably the longest conversation I ever had in a blog, as I saw, people tend to be very boring in here. Not your case. XD
Haha. XD It's because I first learn romaji (the speaking japanese) before the kanjis. XP It's easier for me to learn only kanjis.
RépondreEffacerThanks for the whore class. :O (I said it in a strange way XD)
Me too I'm tired, but I SLEPT ! I think classes today will be long... And I have a vaccination later. :S And I know it'll hurt...
Yeah, two crazy persons among well together. ;) It's the longest conversation for me too. Habitually, people reviews my articles, I respond them, and that's all. XD But it's nice to speak to you, so I'm not bored. ^^
And how much have you learned so far? Can you watch an anime in original language without subtitles?
RépondreEffacerI understand what konnichiwa means. I know that now you're probably thinking this guy knows too much. XD
I remember one day that I was bored and I went to YouTube to see some videos. I did a search for japanese comedy. I have to say that they look very polite and always calm, but they can be really crazy sometimes. Like this guy over here:
You have a vaccination? Have you been hanging out with those vagrants again? XD
Yes, people tend to be too attached to the rules. For instance, I never understood why if someone makes a post about cooking you can't start talking about swamps. They always make me feel out of place. :P
No, I can't watch an anime without subtitles. But I can say when there's a wrong translations, so I guess I'm getting good. xD
RépondreEffacer*Watch the video* OMG ! XD That's video is so old. xD Look at their hair. I think that if someone was screaming at me, I would do as the old granny and do nothing. XD It's really hard to surprise me, if you wanna know.
I had a vaccination for the prevention of a cancer, and it didn't hurt as I thought it would.
Personally, I don't like rules, so I don't follow them. XD I like to speak random things in randoms places.
Haha. Well, that's a sure sign that you're getting good at it.
RépondreEffacerBut, why the learning on you own? Is it a goal that you set to yourself?
And how about your pronunciation?
I'm guessing it must be really hard, since you have a natural french accent.
You're hard to surprise, uh? Well, me too. And I'm not someone that you want to surprise, like in a joke, because I always have natural violent defensive reactions. If I'm asleep and you suddenly try to wake me up, I will probably throw something at you. And, it will not be a soft thing like a pillow, probably a big and heavy alarm clock or something like that. XD
I don't like rules at all, I take very seriously that "rules are meant to be broken" quote. The greatest advances in the world were made by non-conformists. XD
So, since you very much like Japan. Have you ever been there? Or are you planning a future trip? Have you ever eaten sushi? Do you like the Samurais? Have you ever dressed up like a Geisha? What is the purpose of humanity? XD Attack of questions!!! XD
This whole Asian conversation, made me finally feel like watching to FLCL!
RépondreEffacerDamn you French lady! :P
Sorry, I couldn't answer because I don't have my laptop the week. :/ I'm learning by myself because... I don't know exacly why, but it's a personnal goal. I love that language, the culture, the people in Japan, so I guess it's all because of that. I want to go to Japan one day, and I will. *Sure of herself* XD
RépondreEffacerHaha. XD You're more violent that me. I not as violent as you. In fact, I will more do nothing at all. XD I just watch the person who tried to surprise me, and then go away.
It sures that the rules was made for something, but I never like them. For example, at my school, we can't have t-shirts with skull on it or something that references to death. That rule wouldn't be that idiot if they wouldn't let girls wear little little skirt neither. XD That's stupid.
Yeah, that's questions' attack. XD Well, like I said, I never went to Japan, but I wanna go. Yes, I ate sushis, it's good. *__* I love samurais, I have a katana at home. XD I don't want to be a geisha though, it's the only thing I don't really like. If I would be born in 1900s in Japan, they wouldn't have choose me to be one, I'm sure of it. XD
What is the purpose of humanity ? XD Well, technically, there's none, because the earth will be frozen in 5 milliards of years with the death of the sun.
I know why you are learning by yourself. It's because you're CRAZY. Yes, like that, in capital letters. XD
RépondreEffacerI do know that senseis have a bad reputation, and tend to be very severe with their students. Like Mr Miyagi, from Karate Kid. I always wanted to punch him right in the face with my bare hands, don't know why.
Hahaha! Why do you have a Katana? Are you scared that some ninjas may break into your house and steal all your anime collection's and Gackt's albums? :P
I can imagine you furiously protecting your possessions and slicing some ninjas with your katana. Too funny. XD
A katana in my hands would be a bad thing, not for others, but for myself. I remember having some nunchakus when I was a kid, I sucked so bad at using them, I always ended up full of bruises. So if I have a katana I would probably slice my own body. I stay with the Clint Eastwood style, a good Magnun.44 if I ever have to kill ninjas.
Haha. Why do you think they wouldn't choose you as a geisha? You are that bad to entertain people? I picture you as a very good dancer. But if you say they will never choose you I'm probably wrong. I do feel sorry for all that time they have to spend in make-up and all that stuff to be ready.
It must take hours.
Wait, you go to a school that allows little skirts, but no skulls? What kind of school is that? Some sort of stripper accademy with pro-life views? XD
That's a very good answer. If someone asked me that question, I will probably say, peanut butter or something random like that. Wich in a weird, obnoxious and misunderstood genius way. Makes a lot of sense. XD
Yes, exacly. XD I'm crazy. And I like that. I did karate for a few years, but I didn't think the sensei were severe. ;) Maybe it's because that was my father...
RépondreEffacerThe katana belongs to my father, and we can't touch it. XD Well, we're not supposed to, but when nobody's around, I... well. ;) But no, I don't hurt anybody with it. Because there's only my dog with me, but I love her too much for hurting her.
Nunchakus are hard to learn too. :O I tried, and... I wasn't good. Me I'm good with a bô. A stick, if you prefer. I always liked that. ^^ But guns are more useful, if you ask me. A good shotgun is better than everything. :D
I wouldn't want to be a geisha. Firts, I'm not graceful. Secondly, I don't like to waste time about makeups. Of course, I makeup, but quickly. XP
Yeah, indeed, my school's strange. We can't even wear boots inside. :/ (By the way, I wore boots all the winter XD Mwahahaha, I'm evil) We have so many rules that even the teachers don't remember them all... Anyway, I'm done with secondary at June !
Haha. XD Peanut Butter. No. 0.0 Nutella !! Mmm, I would prefer Nutella, and that would be a great answer. XD
Sorry I didn't answered you French Lady. I've been in a very bad mood lately, and besides I'm a bit bored of the blog.
RépondreEffacerHere's my msn, add me if you want to, we can continue with our conversation there.
heuh, je crois que tu perds ton objectivité lorsque Gackt est en cause. Sinon, moi le japonais, j'aime mieux le manger que l'écouter (enfin, la pop).
RépondreEffacerDit comme ça, ça fait pute, mais je parlais de nourriture!
J'aime la bouffe japonaise, miso, onigiri et tutti quanti (je sais, c'Est pas japonais comme mot mais ça rime)
Back to studies!
35 ans ? Il les fait pas O.O Enfin, je sais que les japonais vieillissent très tard physiquement mais tout de même, wouaw xD C'est qu'il est doué en plus, savoir jouer autant d'instruments de musique et avoir des connaissances dans autant de langues ! Merci pour cet article, au moins j'ai appris des choses nouvelles le concernant, à la différence d'autres qui rabâchent à chaque fois la même chose ^^
RépondreEffacerPauvre fille va. Trouve-toi un mec, un vrai, au lieu de te toucher devant la photo ou les vidéos d'une pédale.
RépondreEffacer@Anonyme : HAHAHAHAHA!! XD Non mais quel commentaire pourri. XD Premièrement, je me touche pas en regardant des trucs de Gackt. Deuxièment, c'est pas une tapette, il est bi. Troisièmement, si tu insultes le monde en laissant des commentaires débiles, ai au moins le courage de dire qui tu es pour recevoir les roches qui te sont dues.