Vidéo de la semaine



100 Theme Challenge #18

18. Eyes

I woke up with a start, heart beating so fast I thought it'd escape my ribcage. A nightmare I couldn't even grasp glimpses anymore, the images fading away but the distinct sensation of terror. I gasped, realized I'd stop breathing, and shivered even if I was sweating in the summer's weather. I turned on my back, panting as I stared at the ceiling. This had been a bad dream, a nightmare that'd seem silly in the morning. I only had to fight off that inexplicable fear, and everything would be fine.

Except it wasn't. There was eyes looking down at me, at least a dozen. I blinked, not sure I'd seen right, but they stood still. I stretched my arm and searched for the lamp, but had to look to find it. When I did, a soft light filled my bedroom, and I was alone.

(What is 100TC?)

1 commentaire:

  1. Oufff... tellement bien écrit et vrai comme texte, ça décrit vraiment bien la terreur qu'on peut ressentir en se réveillant d'un cauchemar, surtout le moment où tu sais pas trop si t'es éveillé ou encore endormi! En tout cas ça m'a fait penser à ça! J'ai beaucoup aimé, j'en ai eu un petit frisson ;)


Let's be cray cray together!

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