42. See
“I don’t
think it’s a good idea, Frank,” Lois said when he offered her his hand.
“Of course
it is. Come on, it’ll be fun,” Frank chuckled, pulled Lois to him when she
finally took his hand. He pressed a quick kiss on her lips before leading her
through the dark, desert corridors of their high school. It was late at night,
and was true they weren’t supposed to be in here. They had to enter through a
window. Lois chuckled at that, it was the first time she actually was doing something
to disobey her parents.
Since she
started dating Frank, she was seeing more of the life around. She was evolving
for the best, with him at her side, and she believed, even at her young age,
that she loved him. He was so kind with her, always a charming gentleman. He
was making her discover places, food, and parts of herself she wouldn’t have on
her own.
“Where are
we going?” She asked, a smile on her lips.
“Follow me,
and you’ll know soon enough. You’ll like it.”
“Are we gonna
make things explode in the chemistry lab?” She always dreamt of doing that. He
“No, even
better, little demon.”
followed him to a lone door, a closet with the renown to hold many make out sessions
between the students. This time it was locked, and Frank produced a lock pick
“How come
you have that?”
“It always
can come in handy, like now,” he winked at her, and she hmmphed and knew it was
a lie, Frank was sometimes being mysterious, giving her half answers, but she’d
came to deal with it, so whatever.
He seemed
quite skilled with the lock pick, for it only took him a few minutes before the
door was opened.
“I still
don’t understand why you brought me here…”
“Hush, and
look.” He pointed something. A trap.
“I never
saw that thing before.” She frowned.
“You were a
bit too busy to care about the floor.” That earned him a light slap on the arm,
and he laughed. He went to the trap and, after a bit of struggle, opened it.
There was light down there.
“Go down. I’m
right behind you.”
Too curious
to learn about knowing what was down there, she didn’t notice the glint in
Frank’s eyes.
“Yuck, it’s
so stuffy down here,” she complained. There wasn’t much to look at, the torch
on the wall was only lighting the ladder surroundings, and Lois couldn’t see
much far.
“Frank, are
you- Hey, what the-!”
suddenly surrounded her, and one painfully grabbed her arm.
“Lois,” one
“Who are
you?” How did they know her? Behind her, Frank was climbing down the ladder.
“Frank didn’t
tell you?”
“Tell me
what? You’re hurting me.” She was now scared, and the guy wouldn’t loosen his
grip on her.
been chosen, sweetheart.”
“Chosen for
what? I don’t understand, Frank, you said it’d be fun, what’s happening?”
“Come on,
babe, I’ll show you where the fun begins,” darkly chuckled the one beside her.
They were six in all, including Frank, and they escorted her through badly lit
corridors. It was frightening, but she kept repeating to herself to stay calm
and to observe. Frank wouldn’t even look at her. They finally emerged into a
low ceiling cave, with an altar and a table in the center. Chains were attached
to it. She began to struggle.
“What is
“Hush, hun,”
said Frank, taking the place of the other man who let go of her. He took her
hand, but his firm grip confirmed her he didn’t want her to escape. He dragged
her on the table and forced her on her back on it. She tried to make a run for
it, but one beefcake stopped her and brought her back. They strapped her on the
table and all six circled her, one holding an old-looking book and a curved
She was openly sobbing at that point.
He gave the
knife to Frank.
je m'attendais pas à ça :o sacrifice rituel lol, Frank c'est un mauvais sorcier, il va finir comme Annstàs !