43. Die
It was a boring day at work, once
again. Customers had been mostly whiny and wouldn't understand a thing he tried
to explain to them, and then they'd give him a shitty rating. It was part of
working in the public area. He came back home to realize he didn't have any
good food left. He settled himself on the couch with some mac and cheese.
Outside, the rain was pouring hard,
floods kept being announced on the news. He gulped down a beer
before heading to bed. Next day was
the same thing, and he got a headache from one woman screaming at him. After
work he didn't went home right away, but instead took the train to another part
of the city. It was mostly poor people down here, and the depths of the back
market, almost infinite. If you wanted something, it mostly was likely you
would find it here.
The subway station itself was quite
an experience each time he walked through it, drunk and/or drugged people
swarming around him, and he stayed aware of pickpockets all along. He shook his
head at prostitutes and dealers and walked a few streets before knocking at a
door. It took a while, but a man finally answered with a grunt. His eyes hit
recognition and he invited him to enter.
"The usual?" He mumbled.
He looked around while the butcher
was preparing his order. The place was small but well kept, everything was
clean; more clean that what you would expect from such type of place.
“Here, mate.”
He paid and left as quickly as he
had come in, bag clutched against his chest. Back at home, he laid his new
belongings on the table. Blood sausages. This’d be delicious, he was drolling
just by thinking of it.
He began to prepare some Boudin
Noir, a popular French dish, with mashed potatoes and spinach. There was also a
new match playing tonight, and he
eagerly sat in his couch that night. He devoured his plate, one of the best
meals he had in a while. That place served the best meat for his preferences.
Indeed, where else could he find human baby blood and meat? You see, Boris was
no ordinary man. He had been trapped on this Earth for more than half a millennia,
so to be scream at by mere mortals was a punishment by itself. It was the only
job that accepted his horns without a second though, and it’d pay the bills… and
the meat. Each month he had the tradition to eat a baby in the past, to stay
immortal, but today that meat more rare, people kept secure their little ones,
but luckily he wasn’t the only one who’ve kept trying to continue that ritual,
and so a market had emerged.
So each month the ogre would eat a baby, to continue living
in a world he didn't belong anymore.
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malade, un ogre, ça non plus je m'y attendais pas! DU SANG DE BÉBÉ!!!!!!! j'ai aussi ri quand j'ai lu ça XD je sais pas ce que j'ai à soir je ris des trucs morbides XD