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How do I not like NaNoWriMo 2014 so far (A ramble by yours truly) (En)

I'm writing this illegally. I should be working on my NaNoWriMo cause I'm a day late - oops. I absolutely love my story so far, but it's really hard for me to balance quantity and quality. In fact, I don't, thus the reason I'm late. I don't want to write shitty plot just for the sake of my words count, which I believe some people do. It never was my intention, through participating in this contest, to butch my story because I was late of a day or two, and for that, I think it sucks. I see a lot of writers are almost done with their 50k words, and I think it's great for them, but I wonder how's the quality in that work? Writers don't write the same, I'm aware of that, but say you need to write someone's feelings about a certain situation. Do you babble nonsense until you're satisfied and think you've said enough on the matter? Personnaly, this is not how I work, the feelings' developement has to make a sense in order to flow smoothly.

What I'm trying to tell is that I don't like certain points of NaNoWriMo. It probably wasn't like that at its beginning (back in 1999 :O), but now, I receive lots of messages to donate to receive a halo on top of my image (um, hello, I write horror and homoerotism, do I look like I want to get an angelic symbol on my profile? If only we could get the choice of the symbol.), and they keep pushing us to write, write, write. Like, last saturday, there was this Double Count Challenge or something, you had to try to double your words count... I was like, sorry but I work? (And I need to do my daily tasks as well, you know, like eat and stuff...) Beside, I'm about able to puke 2000 words a day max, don't expect me to write 15000... I can't imagine people with 40k words already. I'm kind of angry about that, because I DESPISE being pushed around to do something, and in fact, I usually do the opposite. Yes, this was me whining about the contest, but I still like it... kinda. I already write 1,7k words a day, which is alrerady a miracle, don't expect me to do 5k when I work and go to school.

The positive thing that I like is the stats and how they help you keep track of how many words a day you need to write in order to be done by November, 30th. Hopefully, I'll stick to myself and continue to write with quality over quantity without being late (best lucks tbh). I divided my book in three parts, and the first one is done. It's freaking awesome so far!
Don't tell me what to do

1 commentaire:

  1. It's supposed to motivate you to write more, not the other way around. But I understand the feeling.. ;)
    Being told what to do is the best way for our creative mind to frustrate itself !


Let's be cray cray together!

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