Vidéo de la semaine



Stop hoping. Live.

Sit down.
Stop fidgeting, stop your prejudices.
Today, I want you to realize something.

Maybe you’ve had a bad day.
Maybe you’ve had a bad week.
Maybe you’ve had a bad life. 
Maybe you’re just so tired...
Maybe you want to give everything up, flip a couple of tables, scream at people.
Maybe you don’t have that many friends.
Maybe you don’t like your body, in fact maybe you hate it.
But I want you to think about something that happened to you recently.
Something that you’ve done, to someone else or to yourself.
Something that put a smile on your face, or lightened a bit of that tight ball of anxiety in your chest.

Maybe it’s the peaceful landscape outside as you took the bus, your car, the metro, or when you simply walked.
Maybe it’s that handsome stranger you saw or who smiled at you (always oh so delicious)
Maybe it’s that new lipstick, that new jean, that new video game that you bought for yourself.
Maybe it’s a new friendship.
Maybe it’s the good sex, or maybe the bad relationship that ended for the better.
I want you to think to all the positives things in your life.

There, did you find it? 

Stop worrying about the bad things.
Stop brooding with the if and some illusional, false dreams that you know can’t happen.
Think about the good things. 
I want you to realize that these good things happen everyday of your life.
Sometimes you don’t see them because of the dark clouds always above you.
There’s still rays of light through those clouds.

I want you to realize something else.
The dark clouds above your head are there because you want them to stay.
The only person who can control their thoughts is yourself, it’s the last thing we’ll ever be the master of.
Make them disappear.
Yes, it can be hard.
No, it’s not impossible.
It is possible.
Life isn’t that difficult when you're able to look at it from another angle.

It’s so easy to give up.
It’s way too easy.
You’re the creator of your own path.
Nobody else will live your life instead of you.
So live it to the fullest.

Enjoy your life.
We’re the lucky ones who can still do.

2 commentaires:

  1. words of wisdom ^^ j'adore sérieusement <3 les gens ont tendance en général à s'attarder aux mauvaises choses et à en oublier les bonnes.. le secret de la vie c'est d'ignorer le négatif et de ne vivre que pour le positif :D si tout le monde pensait ainsi le monde serait un plus bel endroit...

  2. Ou peut-être que les gens négatifs sont là pour permettre à ceux positifs de voir toutes les bonnes choses de la vie. :)


Let's be cray cray together!

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