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I love gays, cookies, and Hemlock Grove!

As I'm working my ass on the last ten prompts of my 30 Kisses Challenge, and school has begun this week (I really like it so far), I didn't feel like writing a blog post, but I wanted to post something, so I found another of these fun quiz/whatever/QnA things on Tumblr!


Have you ever:
1. Skipped class? 
I did a lot in college, but never in high school (because we'd get detentions otherwise) or university.
2. Done drugs?
Yup. But you should know coffee and tea are also drugs, so the question should have been if I ever took any illegal sustances.
3. Self harmed?
4. Drank?
Again with the general question. I'm drinking water at the moment, but yeah, I do drink strong liquor, I'm not much into beers.
5. Shoplifted?
6. Gotten a tattoo?
Yes, I have only one at the moment on my chest, but I'm planning many more!
7. Broken up with someone?
I've broken friendships, but no relationships.

What's your favorite:
8. Show?
Huuuh, I'm watching so many shows I don't know... Um, I'd say Buffy The Vampire Slayer because I've been watching and rewatching it since it began to air (we used to rent a VHS containing only the 4 or 6 first episodes of Season 1, I was loving Buffy's brown hair at the time!) Other than that, I really like visually beautiful shows like Hannibal (I've been an Hannibal fan almost all of my life, and this show is super good), or bizarre like American Horror Story and Hemlock Grove (I watched it in two days!). Gosh, I'd really need to make a list of every show I'm watching, because I tend to forget some myself.
9. Movie?
I don't have a favorite movie either, it's just so damn difficult to only choose a specific one when you like so many genres and take an interest in anything. Erhm, when I was a kid I really liked Queen of the Damned, one of the two movies based on Anne Rice's Vampires Chronicles, and also From Dusk Till Dawn 3, I watched it like 15 times when I was 12 or 13. No wonder I'm like that today and I like so many dark stuff. Oh! Also The Adams Family movies always had a special place in my hearts, with Family Values being my favorite.
10. Song?
Favorite artist is GACKT, that is for sure, but I can't tell which of his songs is my favorite one. Secret Garden, probably, but the Unplugged Version of Last Song is also OP.
11. Tumblr?
I don't have one. I follow so many blogs I just can't.
12. Singer/Band?
Huh, wouldn't it be logical that your favorite song is from your favorite artist? 
13. Memory?
Tough one. I have many fond memories, but I never sat and thought "Oh yeah, this one's my favorite one."
14. Book?
Probably Anne Rice's Vampires Chronicles whole serie, hah! This serie followed me through my teen years, even though Anne Rice's writing is for adults (I've read her erotic trilogy as well). I love all of her books. I've also read most of Dean Koontz's books. I love science-fiction/supernatural/kinky sex in space, that kind of things (Yes, there's Star Trek books).

This or that:
15. Invisibility or Ability to fly?
Invisibility. Frankly, if you're not flying super high in the sky, at night, or with a mask and a cape, people might think you're an alien or something and try to shoot you down.
16. Cookies or Cake?
17. Twitter or Facebook?
Facebook. I go on Twitter sometimes when I feel like I should go there more often, but I check it five minutes and then forget about it for weeks. :D
18. Movies or Books?
19. Coke or Sprite?
Neither. I'd rather drink water.
20. Blind or Deaf?
Deaf. There's more art to be seen than to be heard, if I ever had to choose.
21. Tea or Coffee?
Both. Coffee most of the time, but I enjoy tea once in a while. 

What's your:
22. Age?
23. Sign?
I'm a gemini, and my zodiac is the monkey.
24. Height?
1,59m (5'3"). I'M NOT A MIDGET. :(
25. Sexual orientation?
Heterosexual. I'm pretty sure I was a gay man in a past life (or in many lives)
26. Shoe size?
US 8.5 or 9. I'm small with small hands and big feet.
27. Religion?
Atheist. I don't believe in anything but myself (most of the times, otherwise I really believe in nothing).
28. Longest relationship?
Mister Tilolo and I. 4 years this month! :3

Opinion on:
29. Gay rights?
Lol, what a silly question to ask me. Of course I hate gays, lesbians, and all those strange creatures of Hell (about which I firmly believe). I only like to write on gays in explicit sexual situations, sometimes in a church, but I do hate them... 
Seriously though, gay rights shouldn't even exist, I don't understand how a person can be separated from the others simply based on their sexuality, who we want to sleep with shouldn't be anyone's business but our own. We choose our sexuality as much as we choose our hair or eyes color, it's just the way we're all born.

The LGBT rights in Canada are the most advanced in Americas, and I'm ashamed I still can hear so many homophobic comments in the streets, and the transgenders receive even more discrimination. 

30. Second chances?
We all make mistakes, it happens. I can be really stupid or clumsy sometimes, so I'd be ever more stupid if I couldn't give second chances to others.
31. Long distance relationships?
A relationship doesn't depend solely on the distance between two persons, they can be really close and yet be so far from each other's hearts, or on the opposite, not live in the same country and yet always think of the other person. The longer you wait, the better it is, after all... :P
32. Abortion?
A woman's body belongs to herself only, she's the one who should decide if she wants to keep the baby or not, and no one else should have that right.
33. The death penalty?
I always thought there was things worse than death, and sometimes that end would be just too sweet for some people.
34. Marijuana ?
Make it legal, I believe that drug never made people do worse things than alcohol.35. Love?
It exists, otherwise I'd never be able to bear my sisters and my brother.

Do you:
36. Believe in ghost?
Yup. I sense them sometimes.
37. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it?
Both sides, depending of what I'm doing. 
38. Sleep with the door opened or closed?
Opened, as my room doesn't have a door. :D
39. Love someone?
That question is so generic, who doesn't love someone?
40. Still watch cartoons?
Are animes considered cartoons? If so, then yes.
41. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yes, I do, but I never see him because he's busy making movies.
42. Like yourself?
Yes, because there's no job done better than by ourselves!

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