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The end of more than a challenge (30 Kisses Challenge)

So after about five months, I finally completed my 30 Kisses Challenge! It was a lot of work, of concentration and let's not forget all the facepalms and blank page syndrome. I'm really bad at pushing myself to write when I come back from school or work, or from both of them. The 30th prompt was a bitch, let me tell you, it took me about a week and a half to write down, and I remember posting the first two prompts in the same day (Okay, they weren't that long, but still).
Good thing I've just completed it though, 'cause I'm being even busier with working 25 hours per week now on top of school, and my keyboard just decided to not work properly anymore (my USB kb, 'cause my laptop one has been broken for a few months now, gg). I'm going to buy another once I get my pay, luckily. I shall not be deceived by it for much longer!

So, without further babbling, here's the 30 Kisses Challenge's completed list:

  1. Uncommon: Common Sense (Dragon Age II; Fenris/Hawke)
  2. Violin : Ode to Joy (Final Fantasy VII; Genesis/Tseng )
  3. Tragedy : Popping treats (Avengers; Steve/Thor)
  4. Crust : Welcoming Sight (Devil May Cry Dante/Nero)
  5. Boots : Captain Noob (Avengers; Darcy/Steve)
  6. Chandelier : Toreadors never give up (Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines; Toreador/Lacroix)
  7. Surgeon : King's Crush (Final Fantasy VII; Rufus/Cloud)
  8. Film : Mĕilì (Final Fantasy VII; Elena/Tseng)
  9. Insult : Na via lerno victoria g(Dragon Age II; Fenris/Sebastian)
  10. Sword : Scatterbrained (Devil May Cry; Dante/Nero)
  11. Laser :Put aside logic (Star Trek 2009; Kirk/Spock)
  12. Digging :Modern New Yorker (Avengers; Steve/Thor)
  13. Flea : That explains the ties (Hannibal; Will/Hannibal!)
  14. Lasso : Just follow my lead (Dragon Age; Warden/Alistair)
  15. Test : My life with the Avengers (Avengers; Darcy/Loki)
  16. Song : You can always come to me (Final Fantasy VII; Cloud/Vincent!)
  17. Court : Zombies' Survival Reunion (Resident Evil; Leon/Chris)
  18. Gutter : Qu'un matelas d'aiguilles (Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines; Toreador/Lacroix)
  19. Microscope : Love Checkup (Final Fantasy VII; Cloud/Sephiroth)
  20. Cruise ship : I only looked at you (Star Trek; Kirk/Spock!)
  21. Winner : We had to sacrifice a lot (Hemlock Grove; Roman/Peter)
  22. Loop : Make me to rest in the warmest places (Dragon Age II; Fenris/Sebastian/Anders)
  23. Lentil : This one's heart is pure (Mass Effect 2; Thane/Shepard)
  24. Neck : So the successful son can watch how the broken one has fallen (Thor; Thor/Loki!)
  25. Grade : The Best Arrogant (Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud)
  26. Beer : Caught Red-Handed (Devil May Cry; Nero/Dante!)
  27. Beard: Hope never dies (Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines; Malkavian/Nines)
  28. Marble : The journalist and the boxer (Avengers; Steve/Loki!)
  29. Spark : Xander's help (Buffy The Vampire Slayer; Spike/Xander)
  30. Waiter : More is better (Final Fantasy VII; Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud)

You can also go check them on my AO3 account, if you prefer.

I still need to write three sequels for Welcoming Sight, Qu'un matelas d'aiguilles and The best Arrogant. And when I say sequels, I mean a smut scene. I can't wait for the VTMB one, if you read both of the fics I did on the fandom you'll understand why. ;)

I really liked doing this challenge, because I wasn't even at the end of it and yet I could already see how my writing skills had evolved and got better. Despite a lot of positive feedbacks (more than I imagined I'd have), I never find myself satisfied with what I write. I'm still unsatisfied about it, and I think that's what pushes me to always find new ways to write. Of course, a kiss will ever stay a kiss, but different containers can hold the same content, and as I writer, I'll always search for the best one (which I'll probably never find, and that's a good thing). Between "He kissed me" and "He brought our faces closer, his breath tingling my lips for a short moment, before kissing me slowly; his full lips tasted salty, wonderful.", it's the same content, but which one do you prefer, honestly? ;) (Yah, I just felt like writing a small kiss scene, don't mind me). Anyway, I think you get my point, there's always room for improvement.

I already have another challenge in mind, but, like I said, I have to do the sequels first, and I also want to write on my zombies and hitmen stories. ;_; So much to write, so little time (and insert my amazing procrastination skills here)!

Jaejoong salutes you! (Not, but I needed an excuse to post this picture of him

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