Vidéo de la semaine



30 Kisses Challenge

Ouf! Sorry for the long break! I think I was feeling a bit too much obligated to write something here each week, and I didn't have any inspiration anymore. It had become much more a chore than a distraction to me. I have some news though! I moved out from my small shitty apartment, and now my place is much bigger!

I also have been working on a project for the past few weeks, called the 30 Kisses Challenge. I came across a fanfiction which was themed around that challenge, but the original one is supposed to only be centered on one pairing from one fandom, and I really didn't like that idea. I instead decided to do 30 fics based on any pairing from any fandom involving a kiss, but I also added another challenge. I picked 30 random words from a word generator (that wasn't easy to find), and I need to theme each fic around that word. I have to admit it's not always easy, but I always find some ideas in the end, and it's really fun! I'm surprised at how much I can get done when I concentrate on it. I realized writing on pen, then on computer really helped me not to get distracted by anything else, even though some might think it's a waste of time. I tell myself to give it a go, and then I'll be able to do whatever I want. I type fast enough, and besides, I'd have waste that time wandering on the evil internet instead of writing.

So, the list of the words and the fics I've written so far with their fandom and pairing :

1. Uncommon: Common Sense (Dragon Age 2; Fenris/M!Hawke)
2. Violin : Ode to Joy (Final Fantasy VII; Tseng/Genesis )
3. Tragedy : Popping treats (Avengers; Thor/Captain America)
4. Crust : Welcoming Sight (Devil May Cry; Dante/Nero)
5. Boots : Captain Noob (Avengers; Darcy/Captain America)
6. Chandelier : Toreadors never give up (Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines; M!Toreador/Prince Lacroix)
7. Surgeon : King's Crush (Final Fantasy VII; Rufus/Cloud)
8. Film : Mĕilì (Final Fantasy VII; Tseng/Elena)
9. Insult : Na via lerno victoria (Dragon Age 2; Fenris/Sebastian)
10. Sword
11. Laser
12. Digging
13. Flea
14. Lasso
15. Test
16. Song
17. Court
18. Gutter
19. Microscope
20. Cruise ship
21. Winner
22. Loop
23. Lentil
24. Neck
25. Grade
26. Beer
27. Beard
28. Marble
29. Spark
30. Waiter

You can also see all of my works on my ArchiveOfOurOwn profile!

I'm currently stuck on the number 10, but I've been thinking about doing it on Devil May Cry once again, my latest Dante/Nero really got popular, it's crazy! Anyway, I'll probably do an update when I'll be done, or something, or feel free to follow me on Fanfiction or AO3 to know when a new fanfiction is out! I already planned fics on Hannibal, Resident Evil 6, Star Trek, and some others on FFVII, Devil May Cry and Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines! :) I don't think I ever published so many fics in so little time, and I love it. I noticed how much my writing skills, in English and in general, have improved since the first fic of the challenge (especially since I wrote the first two fics (and decided to do this challenge) when I was sleep deprived haha!). Practice doesn't make something perfect, but it sure does help it improve!

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Let's be cray cray together!

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