Vidéo de la semaine



100 Theme Challenge #46

(So I got a massive writer's block, and I couldn't seem to find any inspiration for this one. Sorry if it sucks.)

46. Horrific

It was said to be one of the best attractions of the century. People would come from all over France to visit it and watch the exotic shows. It was the best entertainment, and it was fascinating almost everyone. After the animals imported from all over the world, it was now time for the humans to be exhibited like unknown species in cages. They were also coming from the four corners of the Earth, not one looking alike. These humans were coming from all natural environment, some place Liliane had yet to see in her life spent in Paris. She was going to the exhibit for the first time and didn't know what to expect from it. Her friends went a few times already and all told her it was a sight to behold so it convinced her it'd be quite an experience. She asked a friend to come with her, at least. She already could feel excitement course through her as she entered. She didn't know where to look, for there was people and small stages everywhere. They approached a random one, where a black woman wearing colorful clothes she never saw before, was sitting. She looked sad, Liliane couldn't help but notice.

A man entered the scene and the crowd applauded him when he saluted it. He took a strange wooden object and held it between his thighs after he sat down. He waited for silence before proceeding to tap on it, creating a rhythm. Hypnotized, Liliane watched the woman begin to move. She undulated her hips, swayed her arms and head around. Her dance was enticing; it wasn't the sort of dance allowed at the balls she'd attend nowadays. This one was sensual, almost erotic, things she didn't know the human body was able to do. She kept having surprises as her friend and her moved around the stages, visiting them one by one. 

A man had huge holes in the ears, his earlobes hanging so low they touched his shoulders; a woman with a really long neck held by multiple golden rings; a man with patterned scars... It was fascinating yet horrific. These people were treated like animals, they were walked around and had been trained to obey. Fear and sadness glinted in their eyes, and yet people were amused by all of this. Liliane couldn't stand any more of this, she had to get out. Her friend ran after her while she made her way outside.

"Lili, what's happening?"

"I can't watch anymore. How can people do that, lock these persons and use them for their own benefits?"

"But they're not like us. Some studies prove that their intelligence is inferior to ours."

Liliane frowned at her friend. "And you believe this crap?"

"It's not crap, I tell you! It's science, different races are discovered every day, you know."

"It's not because they're different, that we're different from each other, than we're superior." She shook her head. "It's not right to do this, and even if I can't change much about it, I shall not take part of it."
Note: Human zoos really happened and are still happening.

1 commentaire:

  1. On voit bien ton côté historienne et anthropologue qui ressort ;) ça me rappelle quand on avait parle des zoo humains en h&c


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