Vidéo de la semaine



Handsome bisexual immortal hired killer? Yes please!

I just published my first original short story! :D I don't even know if I ever published it on this blog, but anyway, it's a story I first wrote back in 2009 when I was 16. Its first French title was Moi, c'est pour la vie (literally Me, it's for life), but I renamed it The Veredas Contract for the translated version.

This is a link to the story~ 

As the post title might have given away, the short story is set in a future post-apocalyptic world and is centered on an hired killer, Tom Walls. While fulfilling a contract, someone witnesses the scene and things get complicated (in an interesting way, if you know what I mean).

Even though I first wrote it in French, I never liked some events from the story, so I completely rewrote a few parts and the ending, and I feel like it's so much better now. I think it was the first time I was trying science-fiction, thus creating a whole new universe with some new cool gadgets, and I loved it, but it's so difficult because everything has to be plausible (well, I wanted my story to be as realistic as possible). I even asked my brother (who has a microbiology degree) to help me explain how the hired men could be immortals (oops, spoilers... not so much :P).

The site I posted on is actually Wattpad. I discovered it a few weeks ago, I don't remember how, maybe through Pinterest or Tumblr. I always find wonders thanks to those sites (and Stumble Upon). What surprised me is it's a Canadian site, their HQ is in Toronto! ^^ You can basically browse and find every category of stories on this site, there's everything! Of course, that means it's also harder for us writers to become popular (since there's no fandom to help us), but a challenge is always good. I never waited for feedback to write on whatever I wanted anyway, and that won't change. I already even began to write more on the same universe, but from the second main character's point of view, Zack Miller. It's going to be hot, that I can promise you. ;)

Something cool about Wattpad is that you can add a cast for your story, you can put faces on the characters, and I really like that idea, but at the same time, I didn't want anybody popular to the general audience or known for something particular (by that I mean actors). That's why I browsed through many, many gorgeous-looking models to pick up two I found most fit to the characters I had in mind. Of course, it's only a general idea, it's always up to the reader in the end to imagine what a character looks like (and Tom is supposed to be taller than Zack in the story, but it's the opposite IRL XD).

For Tom Walls, I was struggling between Ivan Noda and Alexis Papas, two virile men with a sharp eyes, but I finally decided to go with Ivan Noda because my sis also liked him (and she beta-ed my story).

To find the perfect Zack Miller was actually a lot easier, I already knew how I wanted the person to be, so when I saw Greg Nawrat, I knew he'd be perfect.

I also looked for a video to show you, but he doesn't have a video book like Ivan does, and so I didn't find any video only on him. :( The one I found is full of eye candies though, so it's still good, right? ;)

Greg can be seen at 0:37, 1:28 and 2:08 (and is the handsome guy in the middle of the thumbnail), but seriously, watch the whole damn video, it's totally worth it! 

Watching all these videos make me want to work in fashion shows now!

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Let's be cray cray together!

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