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A bit of a fic I'm working on...

Since I've been working my ass off since I don't know when (in my head, it's been forever), I decided to share with you the beginning of a fic I'll soon publish on Fanfiction. :) You'll be the first to read it, happy reader!

It's based on the Avengers movie, featuring the Norse God Loki and Captain America, or Steve Rogers. I won't do any summary since the part I'm sharing is short and doesn't need to be. :)


‘’So you’re coming from the past?’’

It had been two months since Loki had turn himself to the Avengers to amend for his past crimes. He wanted to help people, to save them, even if he was the God of Mischief. He knew he could use his silver tongues at good ends, and so he had tried. At first, the Avengers were reluctant but Fury had accepted him in, and they discovered he wasn’t a bad company. He was brilliant, could make even Natasha laugh (which happened to be an accomplishment in itself), so he had become an official part of the Avengers.

‘’I do. I hibernated for seventy years. I thought Tony had told you already. ‘’

‘’Yes, but it’s always more interesting to hear it from the man himself.’’ And Loki had shown an interest in the Captain America from the start. He liked to flirt with the naive man, charming and gentleman as always. Steve hadn’t know how to react at first, with all these attentions. He had finally told the God he wan’t interested in men, which had only lead Loki to tell him he wasn’t a man. It was frustrating, because Steve’s good manners restricted him from just saying to the Norse god to leave him alone. 

Honestly, though, he was kind of flattered by all of this, it was the first time someone ever shown that much interest in him, and not only in his super nice muscled ass and gorgeous body but also in his intriguing personality and sense of justice. Sense of justice... he didn’t know what to make of that one.

‘’What are you up in the gym anyway?’’ Asked Steve, turning to put down some weight he was working with.

‘’Are you trying to change the topic, Steve?’’ He was the only one he didn’t call formally, not that the Captain really minded. It was still better than ‘’Capsicle’’...

‘’What do you want to know about my previous life, then?’’ He was breathing hard, having done a couple of series, and he felt pumped, ready for battle. His gaze caught Loki’s, who was busy observing his muscles, and he tried his hardest not to flush. Maybe he wasn’t interested only in his physique, but it seemed like he didn’t dislike the view either.

‘’I’m curious to know how a normal Brooklyn boy, like you describe yourself back then, has gain so much power, but still stayed with the same respect for human beings.’’ Loki had approached, his emerald eyes now fixed on his, and was now standing a few feet from him.

‘’I’m still human, beside all the things I got injected.’’ 

‘’Your own stupidity brought you here, surprisly enough. You wanted so much to be accepted that you let them experiment on you.’’ His words hurt, because he knew they were true. He wasn’t one to let himself be insulted without reacting, though, and that would never change.

‘’You would have done the same, if you could have. You nearly destroyed a planet for your people, for your father to notice you’’

‘’He is not my father!’’ Loki had not shout, but Steve could clearly see the pain in those beautiful eyes. ‘’He never was, he lied to me for all these years.’’

‘’Maybe he loved you so much - and I’m sure he still does - he didn’t want you to know you had a part of the enemy in you.’’ Loki didn’t respond, but he turned around. Steve thought he would leave, but then he faced him again.


I don't know when I'll publish it, I need to finish it first of all and my beta must correct it. It's my first try, I didn't work on the content, but I like their conversation, it shows Loki's ever changing mood.

I hope you enjoyed! ^_^

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